Maxine Moore Contemporary Artist Painter and Decorator - Commercial and Residential
My name is Maxine Moore; I was born in Birmingham England in 1963 and have spent my life living in the west Midlands. I had a large family of six children whom I raised mainly in Handsworth an inner city area with a very mixed cultural community. The vibrant colours, strong smells from different types of cooking, all the various languages spoken and the lively music, which your senses would encounter all around Handsworth, influenced me greatly. I have always been a decorator and I am skilled in paint effects and my passion is creating original works of art, sometimes I am fortunate to be able to combine both such as murals. I like the idea of opposites and that is reflected in some of my works, light and dark, male and female and the use of bright colours, I do hope that people get as much pleasure viewing my works as I do creating them.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me where I will be happy to help, and provide you with more information.
Please follow the Artcine Instagram where i upload pictures of my art projects through the process of creation on a weekly basis, where you can comment feed back or ask questions on techneques. https://www.instagram.com/artcine_gallery/
© 2017 Artcine/Maxine Moore. All Rights Reserved.
All images on this site are under copyright and all rights belong to the artist. No part of the content of this site or image may be reproduced or used in any way without the permission of the artist.